Bad Gurls Guide

We love our bread, We love our butter, and most of all We love each other...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I've finally moved to the new apt...i hope I don't have to move again, this is getting so tiring! All's well now... checked the tripped fuse, fixed the hepatitis B tellie, changed a few light bulbs, done lamenting about the lack of a dryer, opened a little bottle of wine (to unwind) and eyeing on the next lil' bottle sitting innocently on the table! One small problem though....the shower doesn't work! Mr Hot and Mrs Cold can't get along with each other. It's an Either Or thing. Either I get hot scalding water Or I get cold freezing water....I'll let them chill out tonight and see if they can sort things out themselves. I am too tired to get it fixed ...*shiver* I don't know when I'll be moving again (fingers crossed, no more please), but here's a few pictures to give you an idea of what it's like here.

Sorry eh, kitchen a bit messy with lots of snacks lying around...

Bedroom tak beralmari, they've only got a miserable hanging i have to colour code my clothes cos i cannot hide them in the cupboard! kanasai....



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