Mandi Bunga Online
After listening to M*toot*ki's series of unfortunate events, suddenly thought that this mandi bunga online thing might just work. Afterall, nowadays a lot of things are simplified. By things, I mean, prayers, ritual.....blah blah. Simplied means formality (yi ke yi shi). Elaborate means respect. Seriously....I have this auntie who's in Shoko Gakai since before I was born, told me now they have this "script" which is shorter than before and provide express prayers for those who're in the rush. She uses that now cos she needs to babysit my cousin's baby and she cannot kneel for long in front of the alter. God is very understanding of the limited time one has now in this world of rat race.
Anyways, back to M*toot*ki, when we used to work together back in @k, whenever I hear of her unfortunate events, I will get my mama to pluck 7 different flowers from her garden for M*toot* to mandi. Must be even numbers. 5 can, 3 too few lah. So 7 just nice. Luckily she has more than 7 different flowers in her garden. But according to my mama, pomelo leaves work best...more powerful that 7 different flowers. I dunno why but lau ren always seem to have unexplainable solution for ALL masalah. So I seriously think Obama shouldn't be President. McCaine should be. He's older so he'll have all the solutions to all masalah negara. (I'm just kidding)
Aiyoh, sorry, haven't get to the point yet. So, since my mama's garden is inaccessible to M*toot*ki (not as easy as before la), I came up with this idea of having mandi bunga online. You can choose different flowers from all over the world. You can even choose the smelly big bunga rafflesia (for once!), dandelions, daffodils etc etc.. or the other ang moh's flowers from ang moh land. You can practically mandi in the bunga(s) that you've not even heard of and impress people telling them you know these flowers exist!
So, can do or not leh? At least it's environmental friendly....except for the time spent in front of the computer/laptop picking out your flowers consuming more electricity...oh god i can go on forever man..........
End of wu liao entry
At Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:08:00 PM,
Anonyminks said…
So far I haven't Mandi-ed with any bungas yet. But I've definitely switched to use Crabtree's Rose something something shower gel for a while and lavender hair shampoo by C***rol. They're the closest artificial flowers I can relate to hassle free. :P
Hey Yennadey..instead of mandibunga online, maybe we should start body care products that can create mandi bunga effects!
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