Bad Gurls Guide

We love our bread, We love our butter, and most of all We love each other...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

When I was doing some upgrading of the blog earlier on, I stumbled upon a very mind boggling question. It's not something that people cannot answer but it's just funny to pass the question around to see how people personally view the questions. It's funny at times how I'm so used to being brought up in school in a way that there's a right answer to everything (I was hoping that they will give me objective options so I can pick and they can tell me if it's right or wrong)

I asked Nemo the question, she just laughed it off and just went 'you tell me!'. Well, so I did and my answer was...*jeng jeng jeng* drumrolls*

"they just look like a bunch of over-grown cubs..."

So what would you guys answer to the question "Lionesses have no manes. How do they know when they've grown up?"



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